Many aspects of human behavior are influenced by what we see, what we feel, what we think as well as the various cerebral chemicals and their respective balances or imbalances.
Serotonin is one of the most important chemicals in our body and thought to be a contributor to feelings of well-being and happiness. It is also responsible to help maintain the balance of the other chemicals needed for proper brain function.
When Serotonin is ok, we feel calm, sociable and alert. But when it is reduced, we feel restless, antisocial, tired depressed and compulsive. We feel out of control. Acceptance, affirmation, accomplishment and celebration have a positive effect to our serotonin level. However, dissatisfaction and discouragement brings it down. That's why failure, rejection and conflict can be so emotionally difficult.
As long as we rely with the externals - what we see and what we feel, our heart and mind will continue to be troubled.
Increasingly obsessed, depressed, guilt-ridden or negative are signs of low serotonin as well as many other things, may be working in us. Identify it, know and learn it. Then respond quickly, appropriately, and positively. If we don't, they may tragically change us - from the "real" us to something that even our self and others can't recognize.
Job knew the secret for not falling apart in tough times. "The Lord gave, the Lord taketh away. Blessed be the name of the Lord." Job 1:21
Paul knew the secret for contentment. "...I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me." Philippians 4: 12-13
These people were not influenced by the serotonin. With God's help they knew how to control it. They nurtured their spirituality. They lived by faith. Their joy comes from the Lord!
God gave us the authority to command and overcome our circumstances. It all starts in the mind. Changes in thought can alter brain metabolism. "A merry heart does good like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones." Proverbs 17:22
Rejoice in the Lord always! But can we have joy if we do not have peace? Can we have peace if we are not living right? Righteousness brings peace and peace brings joy. We can't do it on our own. Our Lord Jesus Christ is our Righteousness. He will teach us all things.
"And the peace of God, which transcend all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." Philippians 4:7-8
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