Monday, June 14, 2010

She Shall Be Called Woman

“… she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.” Gen.2:23

There's no greater fulfillment than embracing who we are and knowing our purpose why we are created. It gives us a sense of direction and allows us to enjoy our lives as God intended.

According to Holy Scripture, even before the fall, God created woman to be the help companion to support the man. (Genesis 2:18 and 20:24). But this doesn't mean women are lesser creature than men. We are a co-care taker of God's creatures and also given same power to take control and have dominion over the earth and over every living thing of the sea, of the air and upon the earth. At the foot of the Cross-the ground is level. Men and women, as well as persons of different races are spiritually equal in the sight of God (Gal.3:28). But in role and function we are different (Eph. 5:23; 1 Timothy 2:12).

Our God created women and men, psychologically and physically different from each other -for a reason. These anatomical distinctions, lead to rather strong differences in priorities between men and women -provide functional advantages, and have survival value.

Women are quipped to produce offspring -As soon as the first tiny sign of life sparks in her womb, the woman's body and mind instinctively know what to do and will keep on nurturing the new formed life until it can survive on its own. However, with or without a child, women tend to be much more nurturing -psychologically and physically, because we see life more cooperatively. Women rely more on feelings, can focus on more than one problem and frequently prefer to solve problems through multiple activities at a time. However we are prone to become overwhelmed with complexities that "exist", or may exist, and may have difficulty separating our personal experience from problems.

Men on the other hand, rely more on rational thought. They tend to focus on one or limited number of problems at a time. They have the ability to separate themselves from it and minimize the complexity that may exist.

A man’s skull is almost always thicker and stronger. They usually have greater upper body strength, build muscle easily, have thicker skin, bruise less easily and have a lower limit of awareness of injuries to their extremities. Men are essentially built for physical confrontation and the use of force. They are competitive in nature. Due to facing more confrontations and hardship, men tend to care for sufferings of others and more willing to be self - sacrificing. They are created to lead, to conquer and to protect.

God also recognized and greatly used women in His plan down through the ages who faithfully obey Him in humility and meekness. Women can also be used of God and be a great worker in His Kingdom without disobeying the order that God placed in the family and the body of Christ.

In Deborah's time, there was no king and the people were rebellious (Judges 4:1-7). The spiritual decline was rampant. God saw her faithfulness and her obedient heart. She and Barak were supposed to work together as a team. Barak was to lead the military into battle; Deborah was to provide wise counsel and support, and express God’s will to the leader of the army. Because Barak was enslaved by fear and initially failed to provide strong leadership, Deborah had to “stand in the gap” (Ezek.22:29-30)

She led under the guidance of the Lord. People recognized her as a judge and a leader but she did not forget her priorities in life as a servant of God -a worker in the temple, as a wife and a mother who was brave enough to obey God. She encouraged the men to overcome, and inspired them to great deeds until they will be able to rise up and stand strong again.

Women are remarkable souls with quite influence in this world. A woman's power to influence can be used in many great and wonderful ways or it can be used in a negative and destructive way. A mother influences her children every single day by what she does with her own life and how she treats her husband.

Eve's power to influence Adam was used in a destructive way. Adam failed to see the selfish desire in Eve's heart and let her led instead of him when he accepted the fruit from her. She turned her back on what God had told her and did her own thing instead. Not only that, but she caused him to fall with her.

In the contrary, Deborah, with her great faith and submission to God, influenced the whole nation and was able to led them to victory.

Women have many special qualities that make them the beautiful creation.

May we be the women after God's own heart - faithfully obeying our Great Creator in humility and meekness. May God help us to be a godly influence to our love ones and the people around us.

By Mhel P.