Even before the typhoon, we were scheduled to go to Cebu for "Go Tugon Evangelism Summit". One week before our flight the dreadful flood due to Typhoon Ondoy occurred, affected lives and many churches in Southern Luzon. The circumstances gave us, our brothers and sisters an opportunity to help. Just a short noticed from our brethren, we gathered boxes of clothes as well as some monetary help.

We flew to the Philippines and in just a week, we were able to achieved everything that needed to be accomplished. Thank God for the strength and His Provision.

First day in Manila -organized the assistance for the flood victims. Thank God for Bro. Dave Cutar and the Malacanang Church for the tireless support. The next day, we flew to Cebu.
It was a blessed three days meeting "World Mission Go Tugon Evangelism Summit", fellowshipping with the leaders and pastors of UPCI Philippines.

Traveled to Bohol and met with some of the pastors. Visited the church and place where my father inlaw Pastor Ben Patts Sr. used to live (The grass root of the Patts Clan). It was indeed a far away land. Our vehicle gave up because of the raw dirt road; no way to reach the place but to walk for 15 to 20 minutes. Though our brethren and church from that place was way far from flooded area, they surely need help as well. However their humble state of life did not robbed the smile and joy in their faces. Lacking in material things and those electronics indulgence did not stop them from worshiping God but rather strengthened their faith and bonded them with love. They walk for miles just to fellowship with the brethren. Worshiping God together is a joyful time for them which they always look forward to, week after week with enthusiasm and expectation. Being in that place humbled my husband and I and the rest of our companions. What a privilege!

After resting for a day on a beautiful beach in Bohol, we flew back to Manila to join the volunteers.

The flood subsided, leaving houses and all their things soaked with water, dirt and mud. Affected families tried to save the stuffs that can be save but almost everything they bought and accumulated with their blood and sweat for years vanished in just minutes.

Aside from the traces of mud on the streets, buildings and stores, the muddy dirt roads and remnant of washed out houses; the affected cities seem back to normal.

People carry on with their normal routine; going to the market, to school and work. However, those that lost their houses, family and love ones from flood will take a very long time to recover.

After two weeks from the tragic event, there are still hundreds or thousands that are still in the evacuation centers. Some are brethren in faith that lost their houses.

They were already transferred twice from places to places because the school that they used for evacuation had already resumed classes.
Many churches were affected, to the extent were destroyed by the flood. Some lost their instruments and only some chairs and the wooden pulpit were left.
It's so sad when you see the great needs and only have an inadequate financial in your hands. We wanted to extend the help out to the public but even for our brethren in faith, it's not even enough. But still, with our limited resources we touched some lives.

Being there giving not just financial but your time and yourself was a great opportunity to be apart of.

Thank God for our brothers and sisters who lend a hand and gave monetary help. To those brethren from different churches who volunteered. Your time and effort in organizing and packing goods and distributing it to different churches is more than enough.

The act of participation no matter how small or big aligned us to channel God's blessings to our lives and others. May our God use us more! Glory be to our Great God and Savior Jesus Christ!
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