Notes to Myself:
1. Pray always -Know God's Power in quietness and trust.
2. Completely trust God -God is for us not against us.
3. Everything I do in words or deeds I do it for the Lord -My life, my heart, my mind should please my Master.
4. Think and speak positive. Look at the brighter side. Everything is going to be alright -All things work together for the good to those who love the Lord and who have been called according to His purpose.
5. Rejoice in the Lord always -Seek peace, joy and happiness in what I think, what I do, and feel.
6. Create beauty wherever God place me -God is a Creative God - and we are formed in His likeness. It is in our soul to also create beautiful things of which we can say, "It is good."
7. Follow peace. Respect everyone - We are all God's creation.
8. Not to be easily offended -I only have control over my action.
9. Listen -be a good conversationalist. Let other talk.
10. Obey the Great Commission - I belong to Christ. I will be prepared, in season or out of season to make known the goodness of God and the great salvation I received in His Name.
-By Mhel P.