Everyone wants to be happy. We love the delight and pleasure it brings. We are happy if we are with someone we love, if we have the things we need, and our life situation is going well. We feel good because of what's happening around us. But nothing is permanent in this world, and happiness based on what the world gives also will not last.
-People that we love will not always be with us.
-New and beautiful things will give us just a moment of bliss; and if we're not careful, it will create a deeper craving for more things.
-Life's situation …as we all know, it changes quickly, right before our eyes.
What our soul need is joy - the intense happiness that is not cause by external motivation. It cannot be bought and cannot be found in the world. It comes from within. It is one of the fruits of God's spirit produces within us. Knowing Him and having a personal connection with Him brings joy deep within our heart. Obedience and complete trust in Him brings great peace and contentment. In the good times and the bad, in prosperity and having nothing, even when we're alone, the joy that His Spirit gives will remain; it will stay regardless of what happen. It is God's gift to every believer and the world cannot take it away. “Rejoice in the Lord always!”
By MhelP.