After so many years, I found myself dusting my art box and gazing at my painting brushes again. I am a self-thought artist, and still learning. It's been a decade since my last work of art. I used to paint till' my youngest son attended preschool. Then, I started working and found myself in a rat race. Since then, I've been juggling my time and choose to put my love of painting in the box.
I confessed, I have a tendency to be fully immersed on what I'm doing, and a bit guilty of depriving time and attention from those I love, just to spend it to what I like. I easily get carried away and lose tract of time while painting. Seemed like I was in a different world just by myself and with what I am creating. I appreciate my husband and my children for their encouragement and support. Thank God, after all those years, art is still in my heart - and though my hand is not as steady as before, it can still coordinate with my mind.
Our expressive abilities affect the brain itself. Good ideas and creativity is like recreation of our mind. It is also good for our spirit. God is a Creative God - and we are formed in His likeness. Of all God's creations, we are privileged to make and enjoy art. It is in our soul to also create things, beautiful things of which we can say, "It is good."
However, like all other gifts given to us by God, it may be misused. Everything that we love or exalt more than God became our idol.
We should always check our self and always remember to put God first in our life. " Thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might." Deuteronomy 6:5
"… whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31
By Mhel P.