She is a wife, a mother, a friend and sometimes an employee. She tries to live a holy life to be a living sacrifice for the Lord, a wife that will not bring shame to her husband and her children; to be an example child of God to the congregation. But she is not perfect. She also has weaknesses. She understands she cannot please everyone, no matter how hard she tries; she experienced how to be rejected and become the object of criticism. But she learned that what others think of her or speak about her, neither determines her worth nor validates it as truth. She knows that holding grudges and bitterness hurt only her and her relationship with the Lord. She understands that people are people and each person is growing in Christ on God’s timetable-not hers. That's why the warm greetings and smile she gave is genuine, for she's doing it for the Lord, for the sake of fellowship and love for the souls, because she is called along with her husband to minister. - She is a Pastor's wife.
She truly cares for the congregation. She rejoices in its victory and feels the pain when it's in the valley.
She serves with love from deep within; with a sincere heart, she listens and lends a hand. In addition to her own trials, she also carries your burdens. But nobody knows the intensity of the weight she bears. She learned to encourage herself to the Lord for she doesn't want to add for her husband's heavy load. She knows the pastor's twenty-four-seven profession and she's always there to support, to encourage and to pray for him. She is not immune from hardship, failures and discouragement, but she learned to give it to the Lord. She sometimes cries the whole night through and pours all her troubles at her Saviors feet; for she knew - her strength and help comes only from above. She knew God will see her through.
She is her husband's soul mate and confidant. She knows well that her husband is not perfect. Pastor is just an ordinary man who has a willing heart to be used by God, given with a Divine Vocation. She needs to be strong in the Lord, to grow in wisdom and in the knowledge of Gods divine words for herself, her husband, her family and for the congregations.
But before she became a pastor's wife, she was first called to be a faithful servant of the Lord; to first be a child of God - having a right relationship with her Creator, to be lead by His Holy Spirit in every step she takes. Like every children of God, she wants to follow her FATHER's will. She longs to finish the race that God set before her and to hear her Savior's words, "Well done my good and faithful servant." - She is just an ordinary woman, a sinner saved by her Saviors Amazing Grace with a willingness to be use in God's Kingdom. - She is a Pastor's wife.
By Mhel P.