Some of us were privilege to witness and understand the works of God in the midst of long painful nights of uncertainty.
Close doors and dead ends in our path do not indicate that we failed to reach our goal nor it signify failures in our journey, they are simply barriers of whom God put to keep us from a wrong decision that will take us out of our course. Instead of stopping, find an open route and keep on going until we reach our destination. The Lord hears our prayer and honors our faith and according to His will, He will bring it to pass. Despite of all the negative and unfortunate circumstances we are in, He is still in control. Stay in the path and keep your eyes on our Lord Jesus Christ, the author and the finisher of our faith. Hold on to the promises of God until that day, the hour of victory, which is always better than what we expected! Then all our "Why's" will be answered.
That's the time everything will make sense and you will thank God for what He has done. And yes, you are right, "All the Glory belongs to Him!" for the simple reason that it's all because of Him. Now, stand up brush off the dust on your clothes, wipe the tears in your eyes and lift your head up. Give thanks unto the Lord! Look up for something better is about to happen… Something better is on its way.