Thursday, May 16, 2013

Our Strong Defense

We all face crisis of daily life.  We sometimes get discouraged and frustrated; feel like throwing in the towel like everyone else.
All of us will somehow have a share of unexpected pain, and in this difficult time we all need a strong defense to overcome.
Besides unwavering faith, the legacy of the saints who preceded us is a legacy of endurance, patience, perseverance, strength and resiliency.

Resilient sons and daughters of God ask Him for wisdom to know what can and cannot be change, and learn to focus their energies to the goals that God has set before them.
In times of loneliness, discouragement and the snare of self-pity, they reach out and care for others.  They learn to share the journey and help them discover and realize that they all have a purpose and that there's no such thing as insignificant person.  These connections and caring for others strengthens them.
They do not need to be conformed to the world to fit into this world.  They are committed to finish the goal that made their lives meaningful.

The greatest key to resiliency is found in the One who is most Resilient: Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Even while facing death, He focused on His calling, His work and the eternal plan which His Father had given Him.  He responded in faith.  He submitted to God's control and direction, even when things were out of control; even when the end was death.

It's either to follow Christ or not to follow Christ.  To follow Him is truly a higher calling.  In this task we must keep focused on God.  He is, after all, our greatest Hope and our greatest key to resiliency.

"Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint."  Isaiah 40:31